Design ideas for ceilings

Zoning the room using various types of suspended ceilings (+ 8 photos)

Understanding the product's capabilities leads to impressive results - the benchmark for using KRAFT suspended ceilings!

The concept of an open-type office is a room that can be viewed to a considerable depth. Therefore, it should be performed in a single style, but at the same time give certain "clues" for the look. And of course, this can be done with color, shape, and lighting. In the presented premises, the designers managed to harmoniously combine these components and create an absolutely complete picture. And one of the key decisions, in our opinion, was suspended ceilings. But with ceilings, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance.
In this case, suspended ceilings perform both decorative and practical functions. Different types of suspended ceilings are used for different parts of the room. So, in areas intended for seating, a suspended ceiling from a plate rail is used (the so-called "screen" ceiling). In the aisles, either an acoustic ceiling based on the KRAFT Fortis T-profile is installed, or suspended structures are not used at all. From a practical point of view, such ceilings visually hide communications, but at the same time provide easy access for their maintenance. The height of the plate rail is 190 mm, the pitch is 200 mm.
As for lighting, you can also see a certain pattern. In passages where the lighting should be bright enough, KRAFT T-Led luminaires based on the KRAFT Fortis T-profile are used. Luminaires with a length of 1200 and 2400 mm are located in a solid line in the center of the aisle.

As you can see, despite the open space, the office space turned out to be cozy and effective at the same time. And not least thanks to the KRAFT suspended ceilings.

Inspiration to you!


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Manufacturer of suspended ceilings
Kraft Deckensysteme Poland
Zawodzie str., 24, 02-981, Warsaw, Poland

NIP 1133080990
REGON 523974763
KRS 0001008039.